Tag - white teeth

I want white teeth, but they are really sensitive

I want white teeth, but they are really sensitive. what should I do? Everyone wants their teeth to remain as white as possible. Not only does it boost one’s confidence tremendously but also improves the overall look of the smile. but mostly teeth whitening can come at a cost in the form of sensitivity. If you happen to be experiencing tooth sensitivity, then you might want to think carefully about your teeth-whitening regime. Please note the smallest of details could help [...]

How to Protect Your White Teeth From Coffee Stains

If you’re a coffee lover , you might probably know coffee stained our pearly white teeth. It’s a fact that drinking coffee on a regular basis will gradually stain your teeth. From cappuccinos, espressos to lattes and frappes. Because tannins in coffee build up on tooth enamel leading up to discoloration. Despite brushing your teeth, it probably won’t whiten as much compared to your pre-coffee days. To cut things short, the coffee liquid turns into a solid form which eventually becomes [...]

How to white teeth at home

Our teeth will become yellow or brown colored ,due to factors like aging/thinning enamel/erosion of the surface of teeth.  A poor diet, drinking coffee/tea, smoking are factors. We also suffer serious side-effect of Low Self confidence. In order to tackle  problem , let’s take a look at some of the causes and the possible ways. 1. Brush Teeth The best way to whiten your teeth naturally is to simply brush your teeth after eating or drinking something. Avoiding smoking cigarettes/coffee/soda, improving your oral hygiene [...]

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