Teeth cleaning method Summary

Teeth cleaning method Summary

According to the World Health Organization survey data, the population of China that meets international dental health standards is less than 1%. Dental health problems have become a major problem that plagues modern people’s health. Some people clean their teeth every day, but there are always many dead corners that are not clean. These dead corners later became the birthplace of oral diseases. Therefore, it is especially important to choose the correct and appropriate method of tooth cleaning.

Ancient teeth cleaning ways

Yangzhi molar Teeth cleaning method | shareusmile news center

Yangzhi molar Teeth cleaning method | shareusmile news center

There are many ways to clean your teeth. In the ancient Qin and Han Dynasties, the ancients used the dragon-shaped  poplar branches to pick teeth, and the small poplar branches were the prototype of toothpicks. In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the “Yangzhi molar method” and the “finger-tooth-method” were popular. The dentifrice may be salt or Drug powder; before brushing tool was invented, the ancient sputum commonly used the method of containing sputum, with salt water, strong tea, wine as a mouthwash; in the Song Dynasty toothbrush and drug toothpaste appear and continue to use.


In the era of no toothpaste, the ancients used the “chewing” method to clean their teeth. For the method of chewing the tender branches, Li Shizhen once said that the tender willow branches are “cut into teeth, and the teeth are very good.” The law does have a good effect. So, what are the dental cleaning methods that are emerging today? What are their advantages and disadvantages? Xiamen share Nano analyzes for you.


Teeth cleaning by brushing

Teeth cleaning by brushing

Advantages: Brushing is the main method of self-clearing plaque. It is an important self-care method for maintaining oral cleaning. It is also the most important means to prevent the occurrence, development and recurrence of periodontal disease.

Disadvantages: Daily brushing only remove about 70% of dental plaque. Each tooth has five faces. Usually, only three of the faces can be thoroughly cleaned, but the plaque and tartar in the adjacent gap between adjacent teeth are difficult to clean.


Dental cleaning by floss | shareusmile news center

Dental cleaning by floss | shareusmile news center

Floss Cleaning food residue

Advantages: Floss can help protect your mouth hygiene by removing food and plaque between your teeth. Floss can easily reach the narrow teeth that are difficult to reach with brushing, gargle and tooth removal. It effectively removes food residue, plaque and soft dirt between the teeth, thoroughly cleans the teeth, and does not damage the gums. It is safe and reliable.

Disadvantages: Flossing the teeth requires a flexible hand to be able to work in the mouth. If the place where the floss is cleaned is inadvertently ulcerated, these residues will be left behind, irritating the gums and eventually ill.


Teeth cleaning kit

Dental cleaning by shareusmile teeth cleaning Kit

Dental cleaning by shareusmile teeth cleaning Kit

Advantages: Made by nanotechnology:teeth cleaning kit internal nanocapillary (each particle is smaller than one ten thousandth of the hair), physically absorbing tooth stains in the pores of the teeth, quickly removing the surface of the teeth due to smoking, drinking tea/coffee/red wine, Chewing betel nut and stubborn smoke, black stains, yellow teeth, plaque, etc. caused by food coloring and water quality.

Disadvantages: Cleaning the stains on the inner teeth of the teeth is inconvenient, and the cleaning effect will be weakened.





Professional dental cleaning

Teeth cleaning by Professional dental cleaning | shareusmile news center

Teeth cleaning by Professional dental cleaning | shareusmile news center

Advantages: Regular dental cleaning can not only completely remove plaque and stones on the teeth, but also keep the periodontal tissues healthy and prevent periodontal disease. Moreover, it is easy to find small and imperceptible dental diseases when cleaning teeth.

Disadvantages: The doctor should constantly move the working head during the operation of the teeth. If it is not properly operated, pressurizing or staying on the tooth surface for too long, it will leave small scratches on the tooth surface. Generally, the rough surface is visible under the microscope. This scratch can be compensated for by polishing.




Dental cleaning by mouthwash

Dental cleaning by mouthwashAdvantages: Mouthwash can help the mouth to clean, mouthwash with drugs can kill bacteria; some mouthwash makes the breath fresh, solves the problem of insufficient saliva secretion in some people; there are some occasions where there is no way to brush your teeth, such as during business trips. Mouthwash can be used, and the regular mouthwash will not be harmful to people.

Disadvantages: The mouthwash is just a supplement to brushing teeth. It can’t completely replace brushing, because mouthwash can’t remove plaque, it is suitable when the mouth is not clean or has a tone.

Human mouth is in a state of humidity, food, saliva, and some bacteria lodging environment. If you do not clean and care for your teeth, some dental diseases will be invited. At present, there are seven major hidden dangers in the national oral health, namely dental caries, calculus, plaque, bleeding gums, sensitive dentin, and teeth are not white and breath. There are many unhealthy oral hazards. Light make you feel restless, loss of appetite, and even unable to fall asleep. Serious people can increase the risk of adverse health problems such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

This article is organized by the Teeth cleaning kit manufacturer- Xiamen Share Nano Technology Co., Ltd.!

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